Review for Long May She Reign by Rhiannon Thomas - Hallo friends Dylan Books Review, this is my book review today with the title Review for Long May She Reign by Rhiannon Thomas, this is my thought about books I read. Hopefully it can be useful and as references to you before buying books. May books review
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book Review for Long May She Reign by Rhiannon Thomas, can give you little information before putting it at your reading list. Happy reading.
I must admit that I wanted to read this one because of the cover. Which is gorgeous. Then I read the summary, and became even more curious about this book. Must also admit that I thought at first there would be magic in this book. I was wrong. No magic at all. Aw. But it was still such an interesting book to read. I liked it.
I'm giving this book three stars. But that does not mean that I disliked it. Because I liked it enough to pre-order a hardcover of it. And I liked it enough that I think I would re-read it sometime too. And I liked it so much that I would want a sequel. So badly. But I did still have some issues with it, but yeah. I enjoyed it lots.
This book is told from the point of view of Freya. Adored this girl. She's amazing at all times, which was just the best thing. She is the twenty third in line to becoming queen. Which means that it should never happen. So she has lived her life not doing much with the court and such, though she has been there sometimes. But then something awful happens, and the king and his family all die. Hundreds of people die. And so Freya is now the queen. And gosh. It was all kinds of exciting. I thought it would bother me a little, but it did not. It was interesting to read about. And a bit fun too. Freya is not ready to be queen at all. But she has to be. She gets better at it all, but she never changes who she is, and I loved that. So happy that I adored her at all times. Yay.
One of the things I loved most about Freya is that she loves science. She does so many experiments. And I adored that. She doesn't give it up when she becomes queen. Which is awesome. She also has the most adorable cat, Dagny. That cat was the cutest thing. And I loved reading about her. Reminded me so much of my own girl. And then there was even a guard named Carina in this book, like me, eee. I loved that even more, haha. I don't see my name in many books. And so I loved that it was included in this one.
I also adored that Freya had a best friend when the book began, Naomi. And I loved the most that they never argued in this book. They never stopped being friends. Not for a second. And that was the most awesome thing. Because they were such great friends and I loved Naomi. She was awesome. Freya does get another friend too, Madeleine. I'm not sure what I thought about this girl. Sigh. But I did like their friendship, even so. Freya needed her. Because, yeah, being queen did not make things easy for her.
I'm not sure what to share about this book. I'm giving it three stars, because I found it to be a bit boring. Okay, I wasn't bored while reading it, but nothing really happened. There weren't brutal scenes. There weren't a lot of romance. But even so, I liked this book a whole bunch. I didn't love it, but I loved parts of it, and that's enough. I wish there had been magic in this book, and I wish the romance had been even more, and that more had happened, but I was also very happy with this book. It was a really good read.
There is a boy in this one. William Fitzroy. And gosh, I adored this boy. Reading about how Freya and Fitzroy became friends was an amazing thing. I loved how they started to care about each other. There is a slow romance in this book. I wish it had been more. But there was a little. And it was beautiful. A bit unsure about the ending, but I think it was good. Wish there would be a sequel, though. But yeah, the book ended good. And I adored this boy. And the small romance. And their friendship. Eee. So precious.
I'm not going to say more about this book. Just that I enjoyed the plot a bunch. It is about Freya learning to be queen. While solving a mass murder. While trying not to be killed herself. Long May She Reign was an exciting book. And I enjoyed reading every moment of it. I think you should all try this one. Huge thank you to the publisher for the auto approval on Edelweiss; so glad I was able to download this one. I will be pre-ordering it for sure. While it wasn't a perfect book, I'm still so glad that I read it. You must go order it.
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Review for Long May She Reign by Rhiannon Thomas
by Frame , at April 07, 2019 , have 0