Review for The Adventures of Phatty and Payaso: Central Park by Marie Unanue - Hallo friends Dylan Books Review, this is my book review today with the title Review for The Adventures of Phatty and Payaso: Central Park by Marie Unanue, this is my thought about books I read. Hopefully it can be useful and as references to you before buying books. May books review
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book Review for The Adventures of Phatty and Payaso: Central Park by Marie Unanue, can give you little information before putting it at your reading list. Happy reading.
This was a pretty cute book. I am happy that I gave it a chance. And so thrilled that the publisher was able to send me a copy of it to read and review. I had not heard it before then, and I'm so glad that I ended up reading this book. It was not perfect, but it was all kinds of adorable. Giving this three stars. I think all should read it.
This book tells the story of some pretty adorable animals. There is Phatty the cat and his two brothers, Clyde the cat and Stanley the dog. They live together in a New York City apartment, right by the Central Park. We never get to see the owner, but the animals are happy. They have a pretty relaxed life. The cats never leave.
I kind of adored getting to know these cute characters. Though I had some issues with this book too, that it was a bit too much at times. But still cute. And a great story about finding friends and overcoming fears. And being kind when others are not being that kind to you. Phatty was a pretty adorable cat. He is very much overweight, but he is happy with his life. Except for all the birds outside his window that keeps teasing and bullying him. Which was all kinds of rude. He is a scared cat as well. But adorable. He has one best friend, Payaso. Whom is only in the city for two months a year. Though, thankfully, he lives right across the hall when he is there. Phatty is always looking forward to his best friend coming back. They always have so much fun together.
This is about about adventure. And learning to stand up for yourself. Phatty has always been picked on by birds. And he does not like it one bit. But he is too scared to do anything about it. Now there is a hawk that has come to see him, threatening to hurt his friends and steal from his owner. Phatty and his friends comes up with plans about how to get rid of this bird. But while everyone is napping, Phatty decides that he does not want to be scared. He goes to the park alone, to figure out how to get rid of the hawk himself.
Which is how this adventure starts. Phatty ends up lost and alone right away, but he soon finds some new friends. Payaso and his brothers wake up and go looking for him. They then meet a boy, Max. Whom has no friends and is really shy. He can also understand these animals when they talk. They become friends right away. I did like Max, but he was a bit too much at times too. But cute as well. This book mostly takes place over just one day. But it's a long one. With a lot of adventures to be had by these adorable animals.
I shall not share much more about this book, because it was pretty short, and not that much happened in it. But it was still a pretty exciting story and I truly liked reading about Phatty and Payaso and their friends. Enjoyed reading about how they tried dealing with the hawk, and how things ended with that. I really liked their adventure in the park too. It was pretty fun to read about. A bit awkward at times, but still cute. They all learn something new about themselves. Especially Phatty. I loved how he started to feel less scared.
The Adventures of Phatty and Payaso: Central Park was a pretty adorable book. I loved the friendships in it, and I loved that it was from the point of view of animals. I very much loved the few drawings inside this book. So cute and well done. The writing was not perfect, but I enjoyed it even so. It's a three star for me, though, because I had some issues with connecting to these adorable animals. They were a bit too much like humans. I mean, they could read and write. It was a little too much, honestly. Not bad, just too much.
But I am still glad that I read this book. Because it was cute. And I liked getting to know these characters. It ended happily. And it was a sweet book about friendship and kindness. Not perfect, but good. And I do think it is a book that everyone should be reading. Huge thank you to Jackie at JKS Communications for sending me a copy of this book to read and review. It is so gorgeous. If there ends up being more books about Phatty and Payaso, I would love to read those. I would so love to read even more cat adventures.
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Review for The Adventures of Phatty and Payaso: Central Park by Marie Unanue
by Frame , at April 07, 2019 , have 0