Review for Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson - Hallo friends Dylan Books Review, this is my book review today with the title Review for Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson, this is my thought about books I read. Hopefully it can be useful and as references to you before buying books. May books review
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You have got to be fucking kidding. This book was the biggest piece of trash I have read. I don't write reviews like this. I don't talk shit about books like this. But oh, with this one, I am going to. Not talking bad about the author at all, but my god. This book. I have so much to say about it. It was the worst thing I have read.
I don't even know why I wanted to read this one. But I did. When I first saw the cover, I knew I wanted to read this. So pretty. And summary was interesting. I thought this book would be exciting and pretty awful and good. I ended up beyond disappointed. This isn't usually my type of book, but I really thought I would love it.
I have never been so wrong before. Let me say that the only reason I finished this book was because I had a print ARC of it. Because the publisher was amazing to send it to me. Otherwise, I would have quit it very early on. I knew right away that I hated the writing. It was so awful. I can't even describe it right. It was bad from the beginning and all the way until the end. First the way things are written. So bad. Then the way they are all talking. It was the worst kind of writing I have read. Shudders. No one talks like that. But in this one every person talked like that. Ugh. And then there was the main girl. And the way she was thinking. It was so horrible. Every single person she met she thought shit about. Every one. Such an awful person. I couldn't stand it.
I don't even know what to say about this main girl. I wish I could say she was a character easy to love. But she was so not. She was also the stupidest person I have ever read about. For real. She annoyed me from beginning to end. I can't believe she was such a bad person. This story is about her, almost sixteen, being in a group home with other girls that have done bad things. Mary has been locked up since she was nine, charged with the murder of a three weeks old baby. She was charged with no evidence for this.
In this book Mary is trying to get her life around. Trying to prove that she did not kill the baby. And oh. This could have been an interesting story. But it failed at every moment. See. This girl is pregnant from the beginning of the book. With a boy that is in a group home for doing something truly awful. Shudders. It is a lot about her inside this home. With the other girls. With all of them picking on her. And hurting her. Stealing her things. And it never ever got better. It was drama all the time. It was just silly and bad. Ugh.
The boy. Oh god this boy was the worst person ever. I can't even write about him without getting angry. At first I thought he was sort of sweet. A bit stupid, but kind of alright. He couldn't talk at all, but that was just the crappy writing. I suppose. But then. Hah. Then the girl finds out that he is cheating on her, sleeping with lots of other girls, getting money from them. While he claims to love her. Hahaha. I cannot deal with it. Fuck them both. She even forgives him for it later on, she still loves him. I just. No. Big no. Truly awful.
I'm trying to decide what I wish to share about this book. But I'm coming up empty. This book was the biggest trash I have ever read. I don't understand how it could have been so bad. But it was. I guess it could have been good, had it been written differently. But it was not. Every character in this book is also described by skin color. It was highly annoying. And unreal. I'm just so angry about this book. I don't have any more words to share. Horrible book full of awful characters. I seriously could not stand any of them.
Oh. Wait. I just realized what else I wish to say about this book. I can't help but mention that this book was disgusting. The words the characters were saying were disgusting. Always mentions of piss and vomit and sex and bitches and "n****s" and oh my god. This book was full of awful words. And none of them were okay. I don't think anyone should read this book. It tries to make it okay to speak like this. Tries to make it okay to lie about hurting people. I cannot. I need to forget about this shitty book. Shudders.
Then that ending came, and ruined the whole goddamn story, and I was the most pissed off. I still am. That ending was the very worst. I can't believe how truly bad it was. Seriously. God, I can't wait to forget all about this book. Do not read it. I do apologize for this harsh review, but it couldn't be helped. I hated this book. I needed to get my thoughts about it out of my body. Now I'm ready to forget about it. Thank you so much HarperCollins International for sending me a print ARC of it. <3 I will give it away, though.
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Review for Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson
by Frame , at April 07, 2019 , have 0