Preview Review: Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman - Hallo friends Dylan Books Review, this is my book review today with the title Preview Review: Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman, this is my thought about books I read. Hopefully it can be useful and as references to you before buying books. May books review
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book Preview Review: Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman, can give you little information before putting it at your reading list. Happy reading.
I'm not going to say too much about this book right now, because my full review will be posted on March 12th, for my blog tour post. <3 But yes. I really do want to say some short things about this amazing book. First, I really loved it. Which I am all kinds of happy about. I found the writing to be gorgeous.
I'm not sharing much of Shadow Scale today. But yess. I really enjoyed reading this book. And I'm so glad that I got to read it early. <3 I loved it a whole lot. Yes, there isn't much of Lucian Kiggs in this book, but there is a whole bunch of other amazing things to read about. And he is in this book a little bit too :D
I just found this book to be all kinds of exciting. So much is happening. We get to know more of the half-dragons. We learn more about Seraphina and her past. And I loved that. But ack. I won't say more right now. Just that you should all read this book. It's amazing. And I'm so glad I read it right away when I got it, hih. It was worth the long wait. Now you all must read it.
Huge thank you to Aisha at Random House Children's for inviting me to be a part of the Shadow Scale blog tour and sending me a print ARC to read and review. <3 This ARC will always be precious to me. Because, damn, it is huge. And it gorgeous. And so shiny. And I love it to pieces. I cannot wait until I get all my pre-orders of this book too :D So many, ack! Anyway. I would recommend that you all read this book when you have a chance to. It's an amazing and epic sequel. So glad that I got to read this early.
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Preview Review: Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman
by Frame , at April 17, 2019 , have 0