I'm just so glad that I read this book right now. Because I adored it. And it was just what I needed. A few small things bothered me a little, but so much made me happy. I'm giving this book a four star, because I really adored it. I didn't hate anything, but felt like there could have been a little bit more.
Sigh. I'm not sure how to talk about this book. It is an amazing sequel. And the characters are just all kinds of adorable. The writing is amazing. The story is exciting and surprising. I won't talk too much about the plot, but there are some things I want to mention. Most of this book takes place inside a huge spaceship, which I mostly loved. We also learn that Chase just turned thirteen, which is almost two years younger than Parker. It bothered me a little bit, but then, not really, because Chase is still all kinds of awesome, despite being a bit young :) I loved that the book is told from his point of view. As I think Chase is an amazing character and I loved getting to know him a bit more in this book. And to know more of his phasing.
There are so many awesome characters in this book. As I said, I adored Chase. And we get to see more of his sister, Lilli, as well. Whom I do like, for the most part. Wishing she didn't lie so much. Hmph. But I loved reading more about how she can sort of teleport. It was all kinds of interesting. I also loved getting to read more of Maurus, as I think he is an awesome character. Vidal and Derrick were also pretty interesting to read about. I'm still unsure about Asa Kaplan. Hmph. But curious to know more.
Then there is Parker. I adored him the most in the previous book, and I'm pretty sure I did that now too. Okay, I do love Chase more than anyone, but Parker is just all kinds of amazing. Wishing he had been a little bit kinder to Chase at times, but I also love how he worries for him. And ack. I just adore their friendship and I really hope to get to see more of that in another book. Pretty please. I'm also curious to know more about Parker; what he is meant to do. I also felt so sorry for him at one point. It was sad.
There is a new girl in this book; Analora. And I did like that Chase became friends with her. I just. I didn't like how he got jealous when she got friends with Parker too. It made my heart hurt. She isn't in the book a lot, though, but I think she might be in book three. I could ship her and Chase. Probably. But the thing is, I'm kind of already shipping Chase and Parker. <3 Because their friendship is adorable. And I want them to be together. So yeah. I'm shipping them instead. Won't happen, but I do have hope for it :)
I really loved The Stolen Moon. It was an excellent sequel. The characters are all kinds of amazing, and the plot is very exciting. I cannot wait to read more from this amazing world Rachel has created. Crossing all my fingers there will be more books about Chase and Parker. <3 I need and want more so badly. Sigh. This book was just all kinds of awesome. And I'm so glad I'm reading this series. Hoping there will be more. As I adore Chase and Parker so much and I'm dying to know what happens next.
I'm not going to say much more about The Stolen Moon; just that it was all kinds of amazing. And I loved it a whole lot. There are a lot of space things, and we get to see a few new planets as well. But aack. That ending. It is mean. I need to know more. Sigh. There are a lot of death in this book as well. Which was actually kind of sad. Sniffs. But also really well done. There is so much happening in this book. And I enjoyed reading about all of it. Just wishing it had been a lot longer; I did not want this book to end.
Huge thank you to Ksenia at Macmillan Kids for the gorgeous review copy of The Stolen Moon. <3 I'm so glad I got to read this book early. Okay, only a month before release, but still. I'm glad I read this book. And I cannot wait to get my pre-ordered hardcover of it as well :) The covers are just all kinds of stunning. So beautiful. Okay. I need you all to buy The Stolen Moon. Because I need a third book so badly. I need to know what happens next. And I think you would all adore this series as well. <3 Buy it.