I have so many feelings about this book. I'm not sure how to manage to talk about them all. I have seen people say they loved this book. But that they hated Levana so much. But then. When I read this book, I couldn't find it in me to hate her. And I wonder if anyone else feel the same way about her that I do.
Levana is such a complicated person. And sure, I hated her so much in Cinder, Scarlet and Cress. But this book. Fairest is about Levana. We get to know how she was as a teenager. What happened to her as a child, why she uses glamour to hide herself. And I started to love her. Ack. Because she is broken. And she just wants to be loved. And it hurt my heart so badly. Yes, Levana does a whole bunch of goddamn awful things. Yet I still loved reading about her. And I still managed to find pity for her, for my heart to ache reading about her sorrows, how alone she is, and how she just wants to be loved. I felt like I could understand why she did all the awful things she did. I'm not saying any of it was right, but yeah. I understood it. Probably.
She was so stupid. Such a stupid, stupid girl. For ever thinking she could be admired.
For ever thinking she could be beautiful, or adored, or noticed.
For ever thinking she could be anything at all.
I loved every part of Fairest. Though my heart is sad because it wasn't longer. Just above two hundred pages is not enough for me, lol. <3 I would have loved to read even more about Levana. Though it to break my heart, because she isn't the hero. She is the villain. And I'm pretty sure things will end badly for her in the final book, in Winter. I do get why it may end badly. But knowing her story now, I just. I want her to be happy. I want her to find love and have a baby. Well, I want that right now anyway :)
There is so much happening in this book. It begins when Levana is fifteen, right after her parents have been killed. We get to see her older sister, Channary, become queen. Get to see her have her baby, Princess Selene. Aka Cinder. Sigh. I loved getting to peek at her as a baby. And Winter as a baby. And Jacin too. And hints about Cress. And yeah. There are hints about a lot of things, and I adored that. It fits so well with The Lunar Chronicles. I recommend reading this after having read the first three books.
I'm not sure how to talk about the romance in this book. Because there isn't one. Levana has a crush on a man ten years older than her, Evret. But he is married. And is having a child. But then things happen. And I'm not sure how I felt about it. Evret does not love Levana. But she loves him. And she forces him. And it hurt my heart. I felt so bad for him. But I also felt so badly for her, because she just wanted to be loved. And she believed he loved her. Probably. Still. There is a lot of heartache about it all. I loved it.
I just want to talk about all the things in this book. How everything happens. How we get to see everything happening. But I shall not. Because this book is short. And I don't want to spoil everything. But oh. Just. Yeah. You all need to read Fairest. It is such an interesting and stunning book. Levana is all kinds of creepy, sure, yet I couldn't help but also love her in this book. Ack. I fear that will ruin my heart in Winter. Hmph. But yes. Queen Levana is also such a cruel and evil person. That hurt my heart too.
She would do to the child what Channary had done to her.
Come here, baby sister. I want to show you something.
Only, unlike Channary, she would be merciful.
She would not force the child to then go on living.
I do wish this book had been longer. But at the same time I found it to be perfect. There didn't need to be more. Yes, okay, I wanted more more more. I never wanted this book to end. Yet it was also so perfect. The writing is stunning, as it is in all books by Marissa. I'm so glad I finally got to read this book. And I'm so happy that I loved it, like I knew I would. But oh. The wait for Winter is going to kill me. These months will never end. Hmph. I don't like waiting for things, lol. But it will be worth it. <3
Fairest is such a beautiful book. It is breathtaking. It is spectacular. It is heartbreaking. Fairest as it all. And I loved reading every moment of this stunning book. It broke my heart so many times. Yet I loved it so much. Sigh. You all need to read this book after having read Cinder, Scarlet and Cress. <3 There is also a three chapter teaser of Winter. And oh, Winter and Jacin are adorable so far. I need more of them. Now I'm just waiting for November to get here. I will be re-reading the first three books shortly.
I haven't talked nearly enough about this book. But I can't say much more without sharing all the details about it, lol. But I do want to mention once more that I loved this book to pieces. The writing is stunning. The characters are amazing to read about. The plot is exciting. There is a lot of death. And so many amazing scenes. While I loved this book, it also hurt my heart a whole lot. Because now I feel so much more for Levana than I did before. I just know that Winter will kill me. Hmph. Marissa is mean :D