Review: Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick | Dylan Books Review

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Review: Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick

by Frame , at April 21, 2019 , have 0 comments
Review: Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick - Hallo friends Dylan Books Review, this is my book review today with the title Review: Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick, this is my thought about books I read. Hopefully it can be useful and as references to you before buying books. May books review Label Best Books, Label Book Collection, book Review: Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick, can give you little information before putting it at your reading list. Happy reading.
I should have read this when I got my ARC back in May. But I was scared after having peeked at the ending and a lot more of the book. I knew I would love it, but I also knew the ending would break my heart. Then there was that whole 800 pages thing. And the fact that I didn't feel like reading at all that month and the nexts. But then a few days ago I finally picked it up, before my hardcover arrives. It broke me. It was worth it.

It took me many days to read this book, because it is long, and I didn't have all day to read. But I wanted to. I wanted to read it all the time, because from the very beginning I was hooked. It's been more than a year since I read book one and two, and I do remember loving them. But not like I loved this final book. The writing is amazing. More amazing than I remembered. So good. And the characters were awesome. I loved the plot so much.

I was right to be scared of this book, though. Because it's awful. There is so much death and pain and heartbreak. And I loved every moment of it. Because it's written so good and it gave me all the feels. I connected to all the characters and I needed to know what happened next. There are some great moments as well. Not just all pain. But yeah. Mostly there is pain and heartbreak. I loved it so much. Because it is true to the story. It is real, considering how awful the world is in this trilogy.

I don't know what to mention in this review. I won't talk too much about the plot, because there is so much happening all the time. Will talk about the characters, though, because there are so many to talk about. I thought this book was very long, since it's 822 pages, but while reading it I thought it was way too short. I wanted more and more and more. I never wanted it to end. And I felt like everything needed to be there. Though I have heard that it will be cut down to 600 pages? I'll see when hardcover arrives :)

Monsters is told from so many different point of views. There is a lot of Alex, but I'm not sure we read about her the most. We get to see a lot of Tom. And Ellie. And Peter. Sobs. And a whole bunch of other characters. I liked reading about Greg, though those chapters in the beginning was a bit painful. Some torture and heartbreak. Yet I wouldn't have had it any other way. Book was so perfect just the way it was. With the pain and heartbreak. And the small parts of hope, though there were not many :D

There is so much happening in Monsters. So much. I could say it's hard to catch up with it all, but it isn't. It isn't too rushed, though it changes point of view almost every chapter. I loved that. Because it's always clear right away who you are reading about. And I loved reading about all of them. Though I might be wanting a book told just from one person's point of view. Sigh. I loved reading about all the plot twists. I loved the big fights. I loved the ending, though it was so, so sad and heartbreaking.

There are so many characters in this book. Many new ones. But also all the old ones. Many die in this book. Three characters that I hated with a passion I'm not sure what happened to. I would have loved to see them ripped apart by the Changed. Sigh. Maybe in a sequel that may or may not happen? Yes please. We get to know so many. I loved seeing more of Kincaid, though he was the one who broke my heart the most. Well, not really, but my heart broke for him. I enjoyed reading about Greg and Tori and Sarah.

There is also a lot of kids in this book. I liked them. Well, except for those who cried all the time, oh well. They were very young. But then there is Ellie, who is just eight, who we got to know in book one. And oh. She broke my heart so much in this book. She's amazing. I loved her a lot. There is this scene on the ice with her and Eli and holy crap. It was awful and perfect and done so damn well. Couldn't have loved it more. She's with Hannah for some time, not sure if I liked her or not. I probably didn't ;p

We also read more about Alex. After the ending of book two, I was worried. And oh. She's in a lot of pain in this book. We learn more about the monster in her head. We learn more about her. And I adore Alex. She's an amazing person. We also get to see her and Wolf together for a long time. Nothing romantic. But oh, I loved reading about Wolf. And who his twin was.. sobs. Wolf is an amazing character, though he might be a monster, hih. I was unsure about Penny. Though she was interesting.

Then there is Peter, and the things happening to him might have been the second most heartbreaking thing in this book. He is in so much pain. Damn that Finn! Gah. I can't deal with all the emotions. I loved Peter. And what Finn did to him.. it wasn't fair. Peter might have done a few awful things while in Rule, but he did not deserve that. Sigh. Then there is Tom. I like Tom. I just don't see him and Alex together.. though it do make sense, and I can't hate it. Still, I'm not in love with Tom. He is awesome, though.

My favorite character in these books is Chris. He holds my heart because he is full of feelings. He's kind and sweet and so amazing. I loved reading about him. Though I won't spoil this book, considering how book two ended. Sobs. Worst ending ever. There is so much pain in this book. So much. And it killed me so many times. Yet I couldn't stop reading. I didn't want to stop. Never wanted it to end. All the tears were worth it. Well, maybe :D I think the book was amazing, at least. I just loved all of it. Sigh.

Even with all the pain this book gave me I know I will re-read this series one day. Hopefully not too long till I do that, but not right away either. My heart need to heal a bit first. Monsters was such an amazing book. Loved the writing and all the characters. The story is unique and all kinds of awesome. This whole series was amazing. Though this was my favorite in the series, my favorite character, Chris, was so amazing in book one. Sobs. But yeah. This book was so, so good and I loved all of it so much. <3

If you have not yet read Ashes and Shadows then you really need to start reading them so that you are ready for Monsters in just a few days. I think you will all love these books. Especially Monsters. Though, yeah, be aware of the pain and such :D I did love it, though, so hopefully you are like me. Yeah, some things were painful to read about, but I might have just loved the book even more because of it. Since it seemed so real. I could not have lived in this world. It might have been awesome, though :)

I think I have now said all I wanted to about this book. Maybe. I have written way too much. Oh, well. Monsters was amazing and I loved it. Ilsa is awesome for writing these books. Now I just need a sequel, because the ending to the book is not final and I would really truly love to read another book. Okay, there doesn't have to be one, but I want it. With all my heart. This book gave me all the feels and it made me cry. Like a good book should. You all need to read this amazing conclusion to the Ashes Trilogy.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Egmont USA, for the print ARC of Monsters. <3 I loved it.

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Review: Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick
Review: Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick - written by Frame , published at April 21, 2019, categorized as Best Books , Book Collection . And have 0 comments
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