Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell | Dylan Books Review

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Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

by Frame , at April 21, 2019 , have 0 comments
Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - Hallo friends Dylan Books Review, this is my book review today with the title Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, this is my thought about books I read. Hopefully it can be useful and as references to you before buying books. May books review Label Best Books, Label Book Collection, book Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, can give you little information before putting it at your reading list. Happy reading.
I've known for months that when I finally got to read this book I would love it. And I did. I loved it so much. It broke my heart a bit, though. Because it's very real and I felt so much for everything that happened in this book. It almost made me cry. It made me smile like a crazy person. I just loved it so much.

I don't think I will post any spoilers in my review. Just talking about the things I loved. Like Cath and Levi. And Cath's obsession with Simon Snow. Which was all kinds of awesome and I can relate to that so much. Fangirl was the best kind of book. Cath is a part of a fandom. Yet I'm fangirling about her :)

I don't know how to deal with my feelings for this book. On the one hand, I loved it more than Eleanor and Park. But on the other this romance seemed to have more issues at first than Eleanor and Park did. But then again, this romance might have been ever better and sweeter and gave me all the feels. Sigh. I just loved them both. Both books are amazing. I need more.

There is so much to love in Fangirl. And I loved all of it. The book is told from the point of view of Cath, 18 year old first-year college student. I adored her so much. She felt so much like myself in the beginning. Though not really, since I have not gone to college. I don't have the same experience as she does and get. Probably won't ever, but I'm okay with that. Because I get to read books like this. I get to fall in love with these amazing characters. I loved reading about Cath. She's cute, funny and I loved her.

Cath is a twin. Her sister is named Wren, and I think I liked her. I can't decide. She got better near the end. Maybe. But oh. She's a bit awful in this book. She's selfish and mean and I did not approve of her. She hurt Cath a lot. I did not like that. But, I loved their father. He's a bit crazy but I loved that about him. He's awesome. Wish we had gotten to read more about him, though. Then there is their mother. I hated her. She left when they were eight. We get to read a bit about her. Glad Cath hated her too.

There is just so much in this book. So many characters. So many things happening, though it isn't all that exciting things, since it's not a fantasy book. But oh. I loved all the little things. I loved reading about Cath in college. About her writing class. About her writing with asshole-Nick. Most of all I loved that Cath wrote fan fiction. I haven't tried it yet, but years ago I loved reading it so much. I craved it. And yeah. This was amazing to read about. Because I got Cath's obsession. Like I'm obsessed with Rob.

I loved reading about Cath's roommate, Reagan. She's awesome. Though I did understand why Cath got jealous a few times. That was a bit sad. But yeah. Reagan was amazing and I loved her. Then there is Levi. The love interest. And oh, he is perfect. Well, he does some dumb things, but I don't hate him for it. He's charming and sweet and all kinds of amazing. I loved reading about him. And him and Cath together. It was so good. And sweet. And I can't get over it. I wanted more, but I loved what there was.

I need to know more about Simon Snow, though. And Baz. Cath write about them being in love, and it's the sweetest thing. I want to read her entire fan fiction. I want to read the eight books. Though they sound a lot like Harry Potter, they are not the same. And, goddamn it, I wanted them to be real. Now just waiting for Rainbow to write those eight books, lol :D Would love to read them. Though first I need a sequel to Fangirl. <3 Oh, I've talked too much. Just, writing is perfect. The characters are amazing.

There were a couple of things I disliked about the ending of this book. Which I will discuss. And it will be spoilery. Though nothing too bad, I think, just some of the romance. I guess you should read it if you want to know :) But anyway. The romance is awesome, but oh. I kept waiting for this one thing to happen, because it had been pretty steamy and Cath thought about sex a lot, and then it never happened. At least she never mentioned it happening. That disappointed me. Need a sequel for it ;p

But even though I did not get that sex scene, there were still some amazing kissing scenes and no-kissing scenes. This was a romantic book and I loved Cath and Levi so much. But yeah. I am disappointed that I didn't get to know whether they slept together or not. Thought that was an important thing to get to know. Oh, well. I was happy about the ending. But yes, I do want another book :) Need it. I need to know what happened with Cath's fan fiction. What happened with the final Snow book.

Anyway. This book is amazing. I loved it and I think all of you would love it too. So, go buy it if you haven't yet. And if you do have it then go read it. It's worth it. Even with the bit of heartbreak. I enjoyed the ending of the book. Okay, I enjoyed all of the book. And if you haven't read Eleanor & Park either, then you should do that too :D Because both books by Rainbow are amazing. I hope she continues to write these amazing YA books. I will read anything she writes. (Well, about teenagers. <3)

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Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - written by Frame , published at April 21, 2019, categorized as Best Books , Book Collection . And have 0 comments
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