Review: Bone Gap by Laura Ruby - Hallo friends Dylan Books Review, this is my book review today with the title Review: Bone Gap by Laura Ruby, this is my thought about books I read. Hopefully it can be useful and as references to you before buying books. May books review
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I wanted to read this book because I found the cover to be different. And the summary to be interesting. So getting a print ARC of it was all kinds of amazing. But then I got worried I wouldn't like it. But oh. I started it today, and I had to finish it right away. I loved it. It's weird. Yet beautiful and awesome.
At first I thought I wouldn't like this book much, because I was a bit unsure about the writing. But then I read more. And I grew to really like the writing. And I started to care for all the characters. And I found the plot to be exciting and mysterious and a bit creepy at times. And I liked the romance a lot. Sigh.
Bone Gap is mostly the story of Finn. Whom I really adored. He's a bit different. And I'm not going to explain it more than that. Just that he is different and I adored every part of him. Loved getting to know him more and getting to know why he is the way he is. He's amazing. I also liked reading about his past. And about his brother, Sean. I'm still a bit unsure about him. He was kind of an idiot at times. But he could also be kind and caring and I did like him. Probably. I very much liked their cat, though. So cute and adorable :D And the horse that comes into their life. And the goat. And reading about the chickens next door. And the bees too. I loved the animals in this book. The animals are kind of a small part but I liked reading about them.
I feel like I could say everything about this book. Yet I also feel like saying nothing about it. It is a bit weird. And so different. Yet it is also so amazing. And I just couldn't help but falling in love with this story and these characters and this writing. I was unsure, but I'm so glad I ended up loving this book. I found there to be an exciting mystery. And there is a tiny bit of magic in this book. A bit weird, yet it made sense too, so I didn't mind it. It was still exciting. I also really liked the ending for this book.
There are so many characters to read about in Bone Gap. I can't remember all their names. But there is this girl. Petey. And I loved reading about her and Finn falling in love. About them kissing and being adorable together. And I loved reading about Petey. Her life is all kinds of exciting. And her past is kind of sad and so real. But yeah. I loved her as a person. Her mom was pretty awesome too. Mostly I just really loved reading about Petey and Finn together. The romance is pretty sweet. I loved it a whole lot.
There is also another girl in this book. Roza. She was so amazing to read about. And I loved that she was from Poland. And oh. Getting to know her story and reading chapters from her point of view was so heartbreaking. Sad face. Because, yeah, I ended up loving her a lot. And it might happen that she is kidnapped. And it might be so sad and it broke my heart a lot. And getting to read about the year she has stayed with Finn and Sean was just the most beautiful and so interesting and I wanted more of it.
There is so much I loved about this book. Most of it is told from the point of view of Finn, but also a bit from Roza and Petey and Sean. And that old neighbor of theirs. Whom I also really liked reading about, though he was a bit crazy. Hmph. Yet I kind of adored him. Anyway. The town this book is set in is pretty exciting too. I loved reading about Bone Gap. Sure, the people might mostly be idiots, but I kind of really enjoyed reading about them all. Hah. It surprised me how much I enjoyed this book. So glad I did.
I don't really want to say that much more about this book. Just that Bone Gap is such an exciting book. The plot is great. The characters are adorable. And I really liked the writing. I loved reading about Finn and Petey and Roza and Sean. I loved getting to know some of their secrets. I enjoyed how exciting this book was. I wish it had been longer. And I wouldn't have minded reading more about these characters. I grew to love them all. And I'm so glad that I read this book. It was pretty amazing. Looks gorgeous too.
Huge thank you to Megan at HarperCollins International for the gorgeous review copy for this book. <3 I also just ordered a hardcover for myself as well. Because, yeah. I really did enjoy this book. And I think I might want to read it again one day soon. And I need my own gorgeous hardcover of it too. Sigh. It will be so pretty, I think. Anyway. This book was pretty amazing. And weird. Yet I loved it. I think you should all read Bone Gap. Curious to know what you all would think of it :D Will you let me know if you read it?
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Review: Bone Gap by Laura Ruby
by Frame , at April 15, 2019 , have 0