I cannot begin to thank Cat enough for sending me a print ARC of this precious book. <3 It means the world to me. And it will be so special for me, always. Because oh. I loved this book so much. More than I thought I would. The writing is, as always, gorgeous. And the characters. Sigh. They were all amazing.
I don't read adult books. But this was a book by Cat. And the main girl is just twenty five. And I knew had to read it. Because, yeah, new Cat Winters book. And I'm so glad that I read it. Because damn. So good. And yes, it is adult, which I loved to pieces, but it is just as amazing as her young adult books. I will read whatever genre she writes. I can't even begin to describe how much I loved The Uninvited. But I will try my best to do so. I won't be sharing any spoilers, but I will share some things about the book, about why I loved this book so much. Why it is so special to me. Why you all need to read it. I worried for a small moment that I wouldn't fully love this, but then I couldn't stop reading. And now it is a favorite of mine.
The Uninvited takes place in 1918. Which is a year I'm starting to love reading about. And I love so much that Cat is writing so many books from this time. It's amazing. In this book we see more of the spanish influenza, and gosh. It is still so creepy and kind of disgusting and it killed so many people. And yeah. So awful. Yet I really loved reading about it. And Cat writes it so well. I loved reading about all the gorgeous Jazz music too. It was so special and the songs were awesome. So different too. Loved it.
Some parts of this book is also talk about the war with Germany. And how people in America treated people from Germany. It was so depressing. And so exciting. The plot in this book is different. And exciting. And I loved reading every moment of it. Especially once the characters fit into this story. There is so much to love about this book. Like the ambulance driving. With Addie and Nela. Which were two girls I really liked reading about. They seemed like awesome friends for Ivy to have. Really liked them.
This book is told from the point of view of twenty five year old Ivy. Whom I grew to love so much. She is all kinds of amazing. At first she seemed a lot of shy, and sort of like she just went along with things, but then I saw her differently. And she is all kinds of strong and fierce. Such an amazing main character. I really enjoyed seeing her family life too. Because this book starts with a murder. That her father and brother committed. And Ivy is finally leaving her home. Her fathers sucks. But I loved her mom. Mostly.
I really loved reading about Ivy. About her finding her place in this town, after having left her family. About her meeting May, and becoming friends with her. I really liked reading about her too. I loved reading about Ivy listening to awesome Jazz music. I loved reading about her meeting Daniel, the German brother of the man killed. About her trying to make up for the murder. About them growing closer. And oh. It was all so beautiful and so heartbreaking. Such a stunning story. Loved it so much.
The romance. Sigh. How do I begin to talk about the romance in this book? It is so amazing. And different than all the others I have read. Yet even more amazing than all the romances I have read before. Ivy and Daniel in this book are so precious. They are so sweet together. Though they start in an unusual way. And they might not seem that good for each other. But they are. And the romance is perfection. And I loved every scene between them. Swoon. It is so awesome. Just. Damn. So much love.
The Uninvited is a special book. It is all kinds of perfect. This book has the most shocking twist and I loved it even more because of it. The romance is stunning. And different. And every part of it was beautiful. The ending is awesome. Yet I do wish this book never ended. I cannot wait to re-read it. This book will always be special to me. I know, I haven't shared much about it, but I can't :D It is too good. And you all need to read it. The Uninvited is a masterpiece. One that will never be forgotten. Loved it.
I must say something. When you read this book, you must not peek at the ending. I peeked, but I did not peek well enough, hah, like always. But now, when I got to the ending, I see that it can spoil something huge for you guys. And yeah. Do not peek at the ending. Because the twist in this book? It is huuuge. And I did not see it coming at all. And it was spectacular. And so different! I didn't see it coming. It broke my heart. Yet it was so perfect. But yes. You do not want to know before starting :)
The Uninvited doesn't come out until August 11th, but I suggest that you all pre-order it right away. Because you do not want to miss this book. It is perfection. And Cat Winters is amazing. She is so kind and awesome. If you still haven't read her first two YA books, then get going. They are so creepy and amazing and so good. I need you all to read these books. The Uninvited is her best book yet. And I can't wait for you all to read it too. Right now I'm just dying to read more books by Cat. <3 I'm so excited.