Review: Polaris by Mindee Arnett - Hallo friends Dylan Books Review, this is my book review today with the title Review: Polaris by Mindee Arnett, this is my thought about books I read. Hopefully it can be useful and as references to you before buying books. May books review
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I have wanted to read this book for a long time now. I was worried I wouldn't enjoy it, as I had some issues with book one, but oh. Then I started reading this book. And I liked it from the beginning. Which still surprises me a little. But I enjoyed this book a lot. And I'm just so glad that I finally decided to read it.
I regret not re-reading book one, Avalon, before I started this one. But at the same time I'm okay with it, as I did seem to remember some important things. And I still understood everything that happened in Polaris. But I do think I should re-read this duology sometime soon, maybe. As I really liked it.
I'm not sure how to begin talking about it, though. I found the writing to be great. Didn't have any issues with it; which is a huge plus for me. I liked the characters more than I did when I read the first book. And I enjoyed the plot a lot too. I didn't fully love Polaris, but I enjoyed it a lot and I didn't really hate anything about it, and I never wanted to not read it, so I'm giving it four stars. I thought I would like it less, but I liked it more, and I'm so happy about that. I love when a book surprises me, and Polaris did that. I also very much adore the author, Mindee. <3 She's awesome. And I cannot wait to read more books by her. I know there is only two books in this series, and there doesn't need to be more with this ending, but yeah. I would really love a third book or just short stories about what happens next :) I would love that a lot.
Polaris takes place many months after the end of Avalon. This usually bothers me in other books, but with this one I was happy about the time jump. I liked getting to know that Jeth and Sierra are a couple and love each other. Though I wish I had seen more of their romance. There is so much going on with his ship, Avalon, and his crew. They are on the run. Things are going badly. People betray. I didn't like that very much. Sigh. I didn't get the whole forgiving part. I'm not so easy to forgive people who hurt me.
There is a whole bunch of characters in this book. I'm not sure how I felt about all of them. Some I really liked. I adored Jeth. And his sisters, Lizzie and Cora. They were adorable. I still like his uncle, Milton. But he was barely in this book. Hmph. And Jeth's girlfriend, Sierra. I disliked her in book one. But in this one I liked her more. Some things she did annoyed me, but I did like her. And I'm happy about that. I thought the romance was pretty sweet, though it isn't there often. Hmph. But still awesome. Liked it.
There is also some new characters. And I enjoyed reading about them a lot. The girl was awesome. And her bodyguard. Though now I really think I should read the short story set before Avalon, called Proxy. Might read that one next, as I'm curious about it. Fingers crossed I'll love it. Anyway. All the characters. I enjoyed reading about them all and getting to know them. We learn more about Jeth's mother. I must admit that I don't think I liked her at all. Which depresses me a little bit. Hmph. I'm okay with that.
There is a lot of plot in this book. And I enjoyed that a lot. Lots of space travel. And some planet visits. I enjoyed those the most, I think. But yeah. I love that these books takes place in space. I liked reading about all the things. Wish there had been a bit more about why it was all like that, but I'm okay with it. There is also a lot of other things happening. Bunch of bad guys. I won't say more than that :D Just that I found the plot to be interesting and exciting. Some things were awful. Shudders. And I loved all of it.
I enjoyed Polaris a whole lot. I found it to be an exciting book with great characters. There is a lot of heartbreak. There is a lot of pain. And I loved it to pieces. I adore tortured characters, lol. And Jeth faces a lot of bad luck in this book. Sigh. It was all so sad. Yet I enjoyed reading about it so much. Some things bothered me in this book, but there weren't many of them. Mostly I just enjoyed this read. I enjoyed reading about Jeth and Sierra and just everyone. Wishing there had been a little bit more :)
Huge thank you to Balzer + Bray / HarperTeen for the auto approval on Edelweiss that made me able to read and review Polaris early. <3 I'm so glad I finally read it. Took me months, eeek, but I did it, hah. And I'm pleased with it. I cannot wait to get the finished copy later this month. If you guys have read Avalon, then I really think you should read Polaris as well. As it was better than book one and it is pretty exciting. Though if you still haven't read Avalon, you really should do that too. <3 I'm glad I read them.
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Review: Polaris by Mindee Arnett
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