Review: The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta | Dylan Books Review

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Review: The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta

by Frame , at April 25, 2019 , have 0 comments
Review: The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta - Hallo friends Dylan Books Review, this is my book review today with the title Review: The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta, this is my thought about books I read. Hopefully it can be useful and as references to you before buying books. May books review Label Best Books, Label Book Collection, book Review: The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta, can give you little information before putting it at your reading list. Happy reading.
I don't know how to talk about my feelings for this book. Because I still don't know how I felt about it. I just finished it, and I think my last feeling is of hope. Because it is a good ending. But it is also very sudden, to be honest, and I wanted to much more. Because there is so much heartbreak in this book. And I just needed a bit more of happiness. Still, it's amazing.

The Piper's Son is the sequel to Saving Francesca. But told from another person's point of view, and it's set five years later, when the characters are 21 years old. It still felt like a young adult book to me, and that is why I like these kinds of books. This book is told from two different point of views, Tom, Thomas from book one. And his aunt, Georgie. I loved both.

I loved getting to see all the characters from the first book in this one. I loved getting to read from Tom. Although he mostly just broke my heart all the time. But I still loved it. I loved reading about Francesca and Will. Although I wish we had seen a bit more of Will. <3 But I loved what we got, still :) Also loved reading about her brother again, Luca. And Justine. Loved her too. Although.. there is some things happening in this book, and I'm not sure I'm okay with them being so cold towards Tom. I think.

We get to learn some more about all the characters from Saving Francesca. Except for Jimmy. He wasn't there. And I want to know more about him, especially since I seem to remember Melina mentioning him some days ago. Must go searching. Anyway. I loved reading about all the same characters. Yet I loved reading about all the new ones as well. So I will talk some about them at first, because there are so many, and I loved all of them. Only going to talk about a few, though, hih, since there are so many.

First there is Georgie, the other point of view teller, and Tom's aunt who's a bit over forty years old. She is also pregnant. With Sam. And oh. There is just such a complicated story between them. So much heartbreak and sadness. But also some happy and hope. But it's mostly just heartbreak and depression. Yet I loved every moment. I loved reading about Georgie so much. She's amazing. And she's so kind towards Tom, and I couldn't help but love her so much for that. And I love her for just being awesome.

We also learn so much about Tom's family. His father, Dom. Whom I'm not sure how to feel about. He seemed like an amazing person, before. But then he fucked up. He fucked up with Tom. And I'm not sure I will forgive him for that. Still. I did sort of enjoy reading about him. I did love reading about Tom's mom and sister, though. They were both pretty amazing, and I loved them a lot. I enjoyed the rest of his family too, cause there are many of them. And the dead Joe. Sniffs. It was awesome.

I don't know how to talk about the plot in this book. So I won't say much about it. Just that it is about Tom and him trying to figure out his life, and to fix his mistakes. He has many. Because he starting drinking and getting high after his uncle Joe died. And it messed up his life. His relationship with Tara. Sniffs. All his friendships. And his family. Sigh. There is so much heartbreak in this book. And it made me so sad. Yet I loved it. I loved the pain and the sadness, although there could have been a bit less.

We learn so much about Tom. And I loved him so much. I loved where he got his new job, although I did not enjoy it when the other people made fun of him at times, and were a bit cruel to him. I didn't like that at all. Still. The book was amazing, and I loved the plot. And Tom was just perfect. He has a weird life. Yet I loved every part of it. I loved how he was a part of Georgie's life. I think I even loved the cook, Ned. Maybe. I haven't decided yet ;p I just know I loved it, and I loved all the amazing characters.

I'm giving The Piper's Son a four star. But I did love it like crazy, because it gave me all the feels. I fell in love with all the characters. But it also gave me a bit too much heartbreak and I felt so much for Tom and it broke me apart. Which is why the four star and not five. Even though I felt like I loved this book more than Saving Francesca. But yeah. It broke me. And I wish there had been a tiny bit less heartbreak. But still. It was so damn amazing. And if you still haven't read these books, then do it now!

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Review: The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta
Review: The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta - written by Frame , published at April 25, 2019, categorized as Best Books , Book Collection . And have 0 comments
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