I'm not sure how to manage to share all my love for this book. There is so much of it. First, the writing is stunning. So much love. And the characters are all just so awesome and written so well. And the story is so exciting and fun and heartbreaking and I loved it all so much. This book is just all kinds of amazing.
There is so much I loved about this book. It is just so stunning. There are things happening at all times. There are pirates. A ship. A wizard. Talking trees. Freezing cold. Dangerous water. There is so much. And it is all so so exciting and interesting and I couldn't get enough of it all. This book is kind of long, yet at the same time it wasn't nearly long enough. I need and want so much more. So much more of Fin and Marrill. And I hope there will be. Fingers crossed. There is also a map in this book. And it is so interesting to read about. And there is a bad guy too, the Oracle. Who cries all the time. It was kind of freaky. I loved it. There is also a cat. Karnelius. Whom you can see on the cover. I found him to be all kinds of adorable. So cute.
The Map to Everywhere is told from the point of view of Fin. And Marrill. Whom are both twelve, I think. And oh my gosh. They are both all kinds of adorable and I couldn't love them any more. I won't say too much about them, just that Marrill gets sort of trapped on a ship, far away from her sick mom, with no way of getting back to her. As there are many different worlds in this book. And oh. I adored reading about Marrill. How she fights to get home. How kind and brave she is. Just how awesome she is.
Then there is Fin. And my heart cannot take it. It is full of love for him. And full of heartbreak, because his story might be the saddest I have ever read in a book. Sobs. And also the best, I think. Sigh. I just need someone to love my Fin. You see. His whole life, no one has remembered him. He talks to anyone, then turns away, and they have forgotten about him. Every single person. Heartbreak. So Fin is now a thief. And he is all alone. And my heart cannot take it. It's so sad. Yet it is also all kinds of perfect too.
How many times had it been made clear to Fin that he was alone in this world?
That no one else could help him, care for him, be there for him?
Which is where Marrill comes in. Because she sees Fin. And she remembers him. And my gosh. It is so cute. And so sad. Because Fin. He is so broken, in a way, despite being just a kid. It all just made me so sad. Yet so happy too, to see the growing friendship between Fin and Marrill. I just hope there will be more. I am not done reading about them being together. Not at all. And I am just so excited for more about this world. I want to read more about all of the amazing characters. Even the creepy trees.
I am not going to say much more about this book. Just that it is an fantastic middle grade book. It is full of adventure and heartbreak and all kinds of fun. The Map to Everywhere is a unique book. It will always have a special place in my heart. As will Fin and Marrill. Just hoping to read more of them. I just love how much I loved this book. And I know it is a book I cannot wait to re-read. And a book I need you all to read too. Because it truly is spectacular. And I think everyone will love it to pieces, like I have done. <3
There was one thing I disliked. One tiny small part about the ending. Hmph. I mean, the ending is all kinds of awesome. The happiest it can be. Probably. But. Book two. If Fin and Marrill aren't together in it I will be all kinds of heartbroken. Not sure I can handle that. So I just. I need them to be together again. Pretty please. I hope and think so, since this is a series, but I do not know, and it makes my heart hurt a little bit. But either way I think I will be all kinds of pleased with book two. I just cannot wait to read it.
The pirate dropped his dagger, pushing Marrill over to Fin. Her shoulder bumped against his,
and he felt something strange tugging at his hand. It took him a moment to realize that Marrill
had laced her fingers through his. She was holding his hand! No one had ever done that before.
Huge thank you to Hermione & Nina at the UK publisher, Orion Children's Books, for sending me the hardcover to read and review. <3 I'm so happy I picked it up right away. It looks all kinds of stunning. I also have the US hardcover. And I will be getting all the upcoming copies too. Because, sigh. This book is gorgeous. And so good. And I need to own everything about it. Just now dying for book two, and hoping for news about it very shortly. I need you all to read this book. It's amazing. Go buy it right away. <3