Review for The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas | Dylan Books Review

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Review for The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas

by Frame , at April 05, 2019 , have 0 comments
Review for The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas - Hallo friends Dylan Books Review, this is my book review today with the title Review for The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas, this is my thought about books I read. Hopefully it can be useful and as references to you before buying books. May books review Label Best Books, Label Review, book Review for The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas, can give you little information before putting it at your reading list. Happy reading.
This book murdered me. And I fear I may never recover. This was the most perfect third book. And I loved every moment of it. My poor heart, though. I stayed up half the night to finish it. And I do not regret it. Once I started reading, I just could not stop. Five stars for this very perfect book. Truly loved every single moment.

Writing down my thoughts and feelings may not be easy, though. As I am feeling way too much. This book was all kinds of thrilling and exciting and surprising. Everything I had wanted it to be and so much more. Can't begin to describe how happy I am with this book. Once again, the writing was perfection. All written so well.

This book takes place about three months after the end of book two. At first I was a bit unsure about this time jump, but I ended up being glad for it. It did not change anything, which I'm happy about. In this one, most of the book is from Charlotte's point of view. And Lord Ingram. Eee. And a little of Livia too. They are all amazing and I love reading about them so very much. I shall not be mentioning too much about what happens in this book, no big spoilers, except for what is already revealed in the summary. What made me the very happiest about this book is how much time Charlotte and Lord Ingram spends together. They are together just about all the time. And it killed me with happiness. The best friendship. The most awesome tension. Sigh. Adore them.

All of this book takes place at Lord Ingram's house. Which is all kinds of huge and perfect. I loved reading about it. I loved reading about Charlotte being there, and Mrs. Watson too. Still adore her so. This book is about a murder. Lady Ingram turns up dead somewhere on the property. With Lord Ingram being the only suspect. Things are not looking good for him. Even Charlotte is scared for him. She stops eating. Which was pretty scary, haha. But gosh, this mystery plot was good. So exciting and oh. Loved it. Amazing plot.

I adored reading more about Livia. She is such a stunning character and I adore her to pieces. I have such high hopes for her future romance. Eee. It shall be so awesome, I hope. I want the best for Livia. I love that she is writing a book. I love how she cares about Charlotte. And their other sister, whom is not well. I loved how they both took care of her. Not much about their parents in this one, but they were still awful, haha. But gosh, how I adore reading about all of these characters. I can't say it enough. So good.

I must talk a little of Inspector Treadles. I liked him in book one. Disliked him a lot in book two. And in the beginning of this one I did not like him either. But towards the end of the book, he finally got better. And I cannot help but feel so happy about that. I wanted this man to turn out a better person, haha. His wife is still adorable. And he did a good job as an police inspector. He was a pretty good friend too. Well, mostly. I'm glad he managed to change a little. I hope he'll continue to change for the better. He was interesting.

This may sound weird, but the only thing I would complain about is that I wish some certain scenes had more details. And very much complaining about having to wait at least a year for the next book. Hmph. I want more. Right now. I love these characters so much. I love this setting. I need more of Charlotte and Lord Ingram. I need more of everything. I am so happy there will be at least two more books. But gosh, how I wish they will never end. And how I wish none of my favorites will end up dead. Fingers crossed.

The Hollow of Fear was every kind of perfection. The most well written characters, whom I loved beyond words. Such a stunning and exciting mystery. Full of secrets and surprises. Every part of this book killed me with perfection. Getting to read more about Charlotte and Lord Ingram was the very best. Getting to know them better. Getting to see more of their friendship. And how that friendship was finally turning into something more. Gosh. It was so good. And I loved every part of this book so much. Too much, maybe.

There was so much mystery and suspense in this book. It was impossible to know what had happened. Who the murderer was. And getting to know all the answers at the end of the book pretty much killed me. I mean. What. It was all stunning. And so very perfect. A little bit sad, but then not, and gosh, how I loved this ending. And the ending of the mystery. It was very exciting and surprising and I loved learning every moment of it. Was simply perfect. And I could not be happier with this book. Sigh. Makes my heart happy.

Huge thank you to Penguin Random House International / Berkley for sending me the free ARC copy of this book to read and review. I am beyond thrilled that I was able to read this book early. I shall treasure my copy, always. Can't wait to get the finished edition too in a couple of months. This is a series that you cannot miss. Such amazing historical mystery books with a hint of romance. And with the most amazing characters. And I very much adore Sherry too. And I simply cannot wait to read even more books by her.

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Review for The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas
Review for The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas - written by Frame , published at April 05, 2019, categorized as Best Books , Review . And have 0 comments
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