As there were parts of this second book that I liked very much. I only wish that there was more of certain things. Sigh. And I wish the ending had been longer. But despite that, I so much enjoyed reading this story. And I adore these characters tons. Getting to know how everything ended for Emmeline and Lucas was great.
And oh, how much I love the covers for these two books. They are simply gorgeous. And so fitting with the story too. I shall not share all that much about this book, only a few of my thoughts about it, what I liked, and what I had a few issues with. This one is told from the point of view of Emmeline as well. It has been a few months since the end of book one, and Emmeline has been living with Lucas and his parents since then. She is doing great. And I loved that so very much. Lucas and his parents are treating her the very best, and I adored reading about their friendship. I loved that Emmeline got to be happy with them. This does not last. Lady Aisling is still hunting for them. And she has found them now. Lucas's parents get taken and they have to run away.
This book is mostly about that. Emmeline and Lucas on the run from the bad people. From the Lady that would capture them and steal away their magic, to use it as her own. While they are escaping, they are also looking for ways to save the parents. And other children taken captive. There are new characters to get to read about, which I mostly enjoyed. We get to learn more about the story of these books too, more about Dar's past as well. Which I liked a whole bunch too. I loved learning new things about everything.
I will not share too much about this book. Only that I liked the plot a whole lot. While I had issues with a few things, I had no trouble at all getting lost in this story. And adoring Emmeline and Lucas. Sigh. I loved reading about the magic parts, about the different powers some people had. It was interesting. I wish the villain had been a bit more creepy, to be honest, but she was still pretty good, haha. The writing was good as well. So enjoyed reading this story about Emmeline and Lucas and their strange and wonderful magic.
The ending confused me a bit, to be honest. It ended way too fast, honestly. The big fight at the end was mostly good, and I enjoyed how everything ended with that. Not perfect, but was awesome to read about even so. But then the ending with Emmeline's parents. I didn't understand that at all. They treated her so badly for so many years. There is no way their feelings had changed. So yeah. I am a little disappointed about that, and so confused about what where some people will live after this book ended. Wanted more.
But even so. The ending was good. And I was happy with it all. Just wishing there had been more. And gosh, how I wish there had been more of Lucas in this book. I felt like there was too little of him, and more focus on the new characters. I missed reading about only Emmeline and Lucas hanging out and having fun. Would have loved to see more quiet time with just the two of them. Still. Lucas was adorable in this second book too, and I cannot help but love him very much. I also did adore the new characters. Mostly.
Parts of this book reminded me about MarcyKate's first book, Monstrous. With the people getting turned into flowers. Which was pretty great, yet also a bit heartbreaking, remembering how that first book ended. Ack. If you have not read any of these books by MarcyKate yet, then you really should get moving. Since they are all awesome and worth reading. I cannot wait to read all her upcoming books too. They shall be so good. Comet Rising was for the most part an excellent ending to a great duology. I enjoyed it so much.